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177 Huntington Ave Ste 1703 PMB 74520
Boston, MA, 02115
United States


ANet is a nonprofit dedicated to the premise that every child in America deserves an excellent education and the opportunities it provides. We pursue our vision of educational equality in America by helping schools boost student learning with great teaching that is grounded in standards, informed by data, and built on the successful practices of educators around the country.


Professional Development

Professional Development provides opportunities for educators to learn from and reflect with colleagues—to not only avoid reinventing the wheel, but also to collaborate on improving it.

“If you see a good idea, steal it.”

This is a common refrain among educators. There’s far too much duplication of effort in schools, but it’s so hard to find time to observe colleagues or discuss practice.

The PD opportunities have given us a leg up on schools without ANet in our transition to the Common Core. The data we receive help us make informed decisions on our instructional practices. We would not be able to create what ANet gives us on our own without hours and hours of work.
— principal, LA

In order to facilitate and accelerate the sharing of effective practices, ANet organizes a wide array of professional development events—regional conferences for school leaders, standards spotlight events for teachers, national webinars, learning walks to peer schools, and other special meetings. 

These events provide opportunities for educators to learn from and reflect with colleagues—to not only avoid reinventing the wheel, but also to collaborate on improving it.